Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs?

Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs?

Grapes is one of the most loved fruits that we humans love to consume. They are the main ingredients for wine too! But however, this fruits is not safe for dogs to consume at all. The seemingly harmless fruits is actually dangerous for the dogs. But Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs? Let us find out more.

Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs

Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs?In actual fact, many vets and scientist are perplexed at which Why Are Grapes Bad For Dogs. Multiple tests, in the past, did not reveal significant results at all. However, there is an increase in dog’s deaths that is related to the consumption of grapes. Most people believe that it is related to the high level of toxicity of the grapes.

What Are The Symptoms Of Grape Poisoning

Actually, after the first documented grape-poisoning related death was recorded, most of the vets mentioned that usually the first indication of grape poisoning is that the dogs will vomit. Other symptoms can be Bowel incontinence. When this happens, most of the time it can result in extreme discomfort in your dog.

What Happens After The Dog Consumes Grape

As per mentioned earlier on, the first signs is the vomiting plus the Bowel incontinence. These are the signs that we can see. However, after a few days, the dog will suffer from Acute Kidney Failure. This is dangerous, as it may result in seizures in your dog. In addition, your dog might be totally dehydrated even after consuming large quantities of water. This will result in your dog’s eventual death.

As such, it is very important that we do not allow the dogs to consume grapes. This encompasses not only the grapes that you can purchase from the fruit store, but also other types of raisins too.

What Are The Grapes Toxic?

As mentioned earlier, no one knows the exact reason why. A possible problem is that that the toxic agent mycotoxin might be the cause of it. However, it is not yet proven. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, the estimated toxicity of the grapes is close to 32 grams of grapes per kilogram of body weight.

What Should I Do If My Dogs Consume Grapes?

There is nothing much you can do, except that you should contact your vet immediately.